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Author Guidelines

Structure of the contributions & citation guidelines

(You can find the guidelines as a PDF download here)


Structure of the contributions

of first and last name of author


Ex: Court physicians and personal physicians in the early modern period - Introduction
by Marina Hilber and Elena Taddei


Abstract and title in English (or in German if the paper is in English); approx. 10 lines


Main text

The text should be divided into several parts. Each part should start with a heading (e.g., Introduction, Summary), separated by a blank line. No bold print, no numbering!


Special elements in the main text

Tables, diagrams, figures are to be numbered (Fig. 1), provided with a caption and provisionally inserted into the text at the preferred position.



  • Quotations from research literature and source material are to be placed in "double quotation marks", quotations in the citation in 'single quotation marks'. If a term is emphasized or used in a distancing manner, it should be italicized (e.g., insane asylum).
  • Omissions in the reproduction of a literal quotation are marked by [...]. Insertions are also placed in square brackets [x]. Peculiar spellings or typos in the original may be indicated by [sic].
  • Without exception, literal quotations are to be supported by footnotes with the corresponding bibliography or source reference.
  • Verbatim quotations of three lines or more should be placed in a separate paragraph and indented (indentation, 10 pt, 1.0 line spacing) while retaining the quotation marks.


Notes, bibliography and list of sources

  • Annotations are to be placed as footnotes at the end of each page and numbered automatically. Footnote characters are placed at the end of each sentence immediately after the punctuation mark (without spaces) e.g.: Text.1 or: Text "Text".1
  • No separate bibliography and list of sources is provided; the reference to literature and sources is made exclusively in the notes by the first complete citation. From the second citation on, only the short citation is given: last name, original title up to the first noun, page number: Buck, Höfischer Humanismus, 93.



Gender-equitable language

Gender-sensitive language should be used where appropriate.



  • The main text should be set in Times New Roman, 12 point, 1.5 line spacing in the submitted files.
  • The footnote text should also be in Times New Roman, 10 point, 1.0 line spacing.


The following should be completely avoided

  • hyphenation
  • style sheets of any kind, with the exception of "Standard" and "Footnote" text
  • changing line spacing or indents (not even at the beginning of paragraphs)
  • underlining
  • continuous CAPITAL LETTERS
  • extended (locks) or shortened character spacing
  • so-called "text effects
  • shading


Hyphens and dashes

Between page numbers always long hyphens without spaces (69-75). Dashes in the text must also be long - not short.


Number words and dates

  • number words up to and including twelve must be written out (exception: date).
  • month names are always to be written out in the text (e.g., May 15, 1782); dates in footnotes are always numerical without 0: 8.7.2021.
  • a long hyphen is to be used when specifying time periods (e.g. 1500-1750).
  • thousand digits are separated by a period (e.g., 1,000, 100,000).



Citation Guidelines



Superscript edition before year of publication: ³1999
Ex: Alan S. Milward, The European Rescue of the Nation State, Los Angeles (CA) 1992, 3rd ed.

Short citation: Milward 1992, The European Rescue, 4th ed.


Ex: Heinz Höhne, Der Orden unter dem Totenkopf. Geschichte der SS, Hamburg 1987, 250.


Series title
Ex: Anton Mörl, Erinnerungen aus bewegter Zeit Tirols 1932-1945 (Schlern-Schriften 143), Innsbruck 1955, 37.


Multiple authors/publishers (eds.)/locations
Ex: Etienne Francois/Kornelia Konczal/Robert Traba/Stefan Troebst (eds.), Geschichtspolitik in Europa seit 1989. Deutschland, Frankreich und Polen im internationalen Vergleich (Moderne europäische Geschichte 3), Göttingen 2013, 9.

several vols.
With vol.; if volume title: vol. 2: title of volume,
Ex: Rolf Steininger, German History since 1945, vol. 1, Frankfurt 1996, 17.


Diploma thesis/dissertation (unprinted)
MA thesis, BA thesis, diploma thesis, dissertation.
Ex: Reinhold Wagnleitner, Great Britain and the Reestablishment of the Republic of Austria, Diss. Salzburg 1975, 75.


Source edition No. for source number
Ex: Gustav Turba, Venezianische Depeschen vom Kaiserhofe (Dispacci di Germania), vol. 1, Vienna 1889, 577-580, no. 185.


Exhibition catalog
Ex: Sabine Haag (ed.), Fürstlich Tafeln, exhibition catalog, Ambras Castle, 25.3-31.5.2015, Vienna 2015.


Essays and anthology contributions

Contribution to anthologies
Ex: Norbert Schausberger, Anschlußideologie und Wirtschaftsinteressen 1918-1938, in Heinrich Lutz/Helmut Rumpler (eds.), Österreich und die deutsche Frage im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Probleme der politisch-staatlichen und soziokulturellen Differenzierung im deutschen Mitteleuropa (Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit 9), Vienna 1982, 282-299, here 285.


Contribution to journals
Ex: Fritz Fellner, Österreich im Spannungsfeld des Ost-West-Konfliktes, in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Außenpolitik 13 (1973), issue 4, 203-221, here 213.


Contribution in newspapers
Ex: Rolf Steininger, Zeitgeschichte, sehr sensibel, in: Tiroler Tageszeitung, No. 10, 12/13.1.1991, 17.
Ex: The Germans have led us around by the nose, interview with Klaus Eisterer and Leopold Steurer, in: FF. Südtiroler Illustrierte, no. 50, 9-15.12.1989, 68-70.


Contribution to encyclopedias
Ex: Josef Ehmer, Tagelöhner, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 13, Stuttgart/Weimar 2011, sp. 226-232.


Archival records

Archive, fonds, piece.

Ex: ÖSTA, HHStA, Hofkammerarchiv HKA, Reichsakten, K. 60, fol. 932.

TLA, Ferdinandea, cart. 31 pos. 26, Ferrara, Alfonso II to Archduke Ferdinand, 15 Dec. 1572.


Internet resources

Link active; retrieval date for first internet resource only: all internet addresses last retrieved 1/1/2002.

Ex: Markus Grassl, Madrigal, in: Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon online, [].

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The file is in Microsoft Word format (doc, docx).
  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographical guidelines in Guidelines for Authors , which can be found under "About Us".
  • The author is the sole owner of all rights to the contribution and any illustrations contained therein, or has obtained the necessary written permission to print the latter.
  • Should your submission be published in the AS, it will be published as an open access publication under the CC BY 4.0 license and in a printed volume by Innsbruck University Press.
  • A contribution / research paper must be accompanied by a translation of the title and subtitle into German, an abstract in German (approx. 10 lines) and 6 key words in English (maximum 2 lines), two of these key words should situate the contribution in time and space.


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